How do I complete a funding variation?


This guidance will explain how to check the client funding contract and property funding and what to do if you notice a variation between the client funding contract and the property funding contract when setting up a new tenancy or doing a tenancy transfer.

  1. Click on the Applications under Housing to view all current applications.

  2. Search for the Application that has been offered a property and requires Business Support action.
  3. Select the Application.
  4. To view the client funding contract, navigate to the Personal Details tab of your application.

  5. The left-hand side of the Property Details screen contains the client funding details.

  6. To view the property funding contract, navigate to the Offered Properties of your application.

  7. Double-click on the blank space between “offer outcome” and “Property” on the property line in the table. The General screen will display the property funding details.

For an application to progress, the client and property funding must match. The decision on which one changes or if we can proceed with the difference needs to be discussed. To notify the correct teams.

  1. Open the Application.

  2. Navigate to the ‘NOTES & ACTIVITIES’ tab to view the timeline.

  3. Create and send the email.
  4. Using the email template ‘Email to property admin when client funding doesn't match property funding’.
  5. Send to:
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