How to complete outstanding vacating tasks

  1. Click on Tenancies under Housing to view all current Tenancies.
  2. Search or find the Tenancy you wish to complete actions for.
  3. Navigate to the VACATING tab.
  4. Navigate to the Vacate Tenant box and complete:
    • Keys received (yes/no toggle)
    • Keys received date
    • Outgoing inspection completed (yes/no toggle)
      To complete the outgoing inspection, see here.
    • Reason for “no”
    • Return to the VACATING tab

  5. In the next box (Balances Owing) note the field 'Rent owes as of expected to vacate date'.
    Note: The system will calculate the rent to be charged to vacate date and the predicted Rent amount owing at vacate. These are for reference only and can change. The actual amount charged will only be generated once the tenancy has ended.

  6. Click on the business process flow at the top of the page, on the orange circle Tenancy. All steps up until the 'Void Category' should be complete.

  7. In the Vacate Tenant box, complete:
    • Vacate Confirm (yes/no toggle)
    • Void Category (Click the magnifying glass to show your options)
    • Exit comments
      Note: A VOID category is used to manage the period between the tenant vacating and the property being ready to be tenantable again.
      Note: If Wise Property Services have identified that this property is being handed back to the Landlord, you are to choose ‘RTLL’.
  8. Save.

    Note: The status on the tenancy has now changed to one of the options below:

    • Vacate
    • Vacated Arrears
    • Vacated Closed Account
  9. Click on the 'Tenancy' Circle on the business process flow at the top of the screen.
  10. Confirm all steps have a green tick.
  11. Press 'Next stage'.
  12. Navigate to Post Vacate on the business process flow at the top of the screen.
    Note: This is your 'to-do list' to finalise the end of this tenancy.

  13. Check off all items once complete:
    • Checked for other tenancies with due balances – tick the checkbox as per picture below
    • Arrears arrangement been signed with the client? (Yes/No drop down)
    • Write off required? (Yes/No drop down)
  14. Once completed, click Next Stage
  15. You will be taken to the next step in the business process ribbon ‘Close
  16. Offboarding activities complete? (Yes/No drop down)
    Note: Before moving this to yes, ensure your inspection is completed, debt/credits are resolved, and bond refund was signed.
  17. Select Finish
    Note: If there are any outstanding debt or credit, you will receive the below warning

  18. Once account has been zeroed, select Finish
  19. The status should now be green and Finished, account zero and tenancy status Vacated.
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