How to rescind a vacate notice


Rescind: Where a tenant gives a notice to vacate, they can at the discretion of the landlord rescind that notice. This means they no longer wish to proceed with the 28-day notice period at this time.

Note: This can only be completed before Business Support ends the tenancy in BOS.

  1. Go to Tenancies to view all current active tenancies
  2. Double click on the tenancy that has rescinded their vacate notice
  3. Select the three dots under the business process ribbon and select to VACATING
  4. Navigate to the Request to Stay box

  5. Complete the following:
    • Has the tenant rescinded ‘Notice to Vacate’? (Yes/No drop down)
    • Rescind Date
    • Save

Note: All previous dates that were added associated with the tenant leaving such as NOTICE TO VACATE and Expected Vacate Date should now all be blank.

  1. Navigate to the Overview tab

  2. In the NOTES & ACTIVITIES box, enter a note stating that the tenant has rescinded the vacating notice
    Note: A rescind can also be used if you have entered the incorrect date when adding the ‘Expected Vacated Date’. Remember to re-enter the correct date once all fields have cleared.

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