How to cancel a tenancy in Zavanti


This guide will provide steps to cancel a tenancy that has not yet been activated in Zavanti or actioned in BOS (Business Online Services, Ministry of Social Development’s online system)

Note: These steps will not work if the tenancy has been activated. To end an active tenancy (even if the tenant has not moved in), complete the end tenancy how-to guide.

  1. Navigate to Tenancies to view all new and active tenancies.      

  2. Double-click on the tenancy that is no longer going ahead.
    Note: Ensure that the Status Reason is New before continuing.

  3. Navigate to the Overview tab
  4. Navigate to the Notes & Activities box and leave a note explaining why you are cancelling the tenancy.
    Note: Remember to notify Business Support that the tenancy is no longer happening. This can be done by sending an email from the Notes & Activities timeline. This must be done before you cancel the tenancy, as this option will be lost.

  5. Enter an Expected Vacated Date and Notice to Vacate Received Date.

6. Save.

7. Navigate to the top of the screen and select Cancel Tenancy

8. A pop-up will appear. Complete the following:

    • Status reason (should be automated to Cancelled)
    • Close date (automates to today’s date)
    • Description
    • Select Ok

9. The tenancy screen should now have a grey banner at the top stating Read-only.

10. The tenancy Status Reason will now be Cancelled

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