How to create and add a Google account to your mobile phone


This guide will show you how to create and add a google account to your phone, this is useful if you need to install apps to your phone form the Google app store.

If you already have a Gmail account then you are welcome to use this but be aware that this will add personal information from your Google account to your work phone. There is nothing wrong with this as such, however some people like to keep their work accounts and personal accounts completely separate.

If you would like to keep personal and work separate then your best option is to create a new Google account with your work email address.

Click here if you already have your Google account and only need to add it to your mobile


How to create your work Google account

1. Click on this link to be taken to the sign up page

2. Click on I prefer to use my current email address

3. Fill in all of your details

4. Type in a password.

This will not update as you change your computer login password, so make sure that it is one you will remember.

5. Untick make Google your homepage

6. Prove you are not a robot by filling out what is shown in the picture

7. Agree to their terms of service

8. You will then receive an email verifying your account has been created

9. Click on the link in your email to activate your Google account

You have now created your work Google account. This can now be added to your mobile phone.


How to add your Work google account

How it gets added depends on if you have gone through the set up process on your phone.

If you have not set the phone up yet you can simply add it when prompted as part of the set up process as seen in the steps below. Click here if you have already gone through the setup process on your mobile.

Adding during the set up process

1. Enter your google account email address when prompted

2. Enter your email address & password

3. Accept their terms

4. Press next or the arrow

5. Tap on remind me later on the set payment info screen or skip


Manually adding the Google account

1. Tap on Settings

2. Go to Accounts and Backup

3. Tap on Manage accounts

4.  Click on + Add account

5. Select Google

6. Enter your email address & password

7. Accept their terms

8. Press next or the arrow 

9. Tap on remind me later on the set payment info screen or skip


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