How to use the timeline in Zavanti


The timeline is a place where activities, posts and notes all show in one place in order of being created. You will find the Timeline on most areas of the system, including Property, Tenancy and Cases

Look for the Timeline on the form, or in its own tab e.g.


How to find the timeline on a tenancy

  1. Open a tenancy.

  2. On the OVERVIEW tab you will find NOTES & ACTIVITIES where the timeline is.

How to find the timeline on a property

  1. Open a property.

  2. Locate the tab called NOTES & ACTIVITIES, here you will find the timeline.

How to use the timeline

  1. Expand all notes so you can see full detail, click on the expand icon at the top.

    Note: Click on this icon again to collapse.
  2. To search the timeline, click in the search timeline box

  3. Once you have typed in your search term, press enter. A list of notes that contain the search term will be shown.
  4. To filter the timeline, click on the filter icon

  5. This allows you to filter the timeline in several different ways including:
    • Type of item – eg notes, activities, tasks
    • Status of activities
    • Posts by
    • Dates
  6. Click the box to activate each filter; the timeline is updated to show matching items.
  7. Click on the Clear filters (funnel shape) to start filtering; or click on the close filter icon (X) to return to all entries in the timeline.
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