My Team's Timesheet Activity - report guide


Using this page

This report shows the timesheet lines that have been posted, submitted and approved in EmpLive so that you can track progress.

It gives you a visual representation of timesheet status per service.

Select a cohort and a service, and choose to view this pay period, or last pay period. 

If there are outstanding timesheets that are unsubmitted or unprocessed, follow the process to complete these steps. 

EmpLive - Employee Self Service (ESS) Mobile App - Guideline

Submit and approve timesheets for kaimahi - Step by step

Where does this data come from? 

This is EmpLive data, refreshed 6am daily. 

What does the data mean?

During a pay period you want to see timesheets moving to Posted daily. This means that your kaimahi have posted their timesheets, and they are able to be submitted/quality checked. 

Grey = Unposted - not good for past dates. The kaimahi need to post the timesheet ASAP.

Blue = Posted. Great. Kaimahi has done their bit. Once timesheets are Posted you can check and Submit the timesheet.

Yellow = Submitted. Even better.


Shift start: Start date of the shift that has been assigned. 
Expected: Shifts that are assigned on the roster (note: This will not show unassigned shifts) 
Unposted: Timesheets that have not yet been posted 
Posted: Timesheets that have been posted
Submitted: Timesheets that have been checked and Submitted
Approved: Timesheets that have been Approved and ready for Payroll

Using the Filters

Pay period: Select the pay period you wish to view (either last or this pay period) 
Cohort: Select your cohort from the dropdown
Service: Select your service from the dropdown

Tip: If you are wanting to switch between cohorts use the reset filters button (circle arrow pointing backwards) at the top of the page before selecting a new cohort and service. 

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