My leave balances - guide


Using the page

This page uses Power BI to show your leave balances, future approved leave requests, and recent leave taken. You can also use it to see a projection of your future annual leave balance.

Everything shown is as it was calculated at your last pay.  

Annual leave is in hours, and other leave is in days.

The chart is an approximate projection** of your annual leave over the next six months. The chart will rise steadily as leave is accrued, then drop at each approved annual leave request.

Watch out: This projection does not take into account changes like:

  • un-approved leave requests.
  • approved leave after six months.
  • future changes to FTE (like going part-time).
  • reaching your sixth anniversary.
  • future extended leave where you would stop accruing (like parental leave).
  • Christmas/new year leave that hasn't been applied for. 

... so take known changes like that into account. 

Why the colours and zig-zags? 

Each future approved annual leave request shows as a dip (see the green ring below).  Each time you're projected to cross a threshold the colour changes. 

How to get exact numbers

Hover your mouse over the chart, and move it to the date you need to know about. The date, and your projected annual leave balance will show in the white box.

Where does the data come from?

This is both Cornerstone and DataPay data. Cornerstone data is refreshed once per day, DataPay data is refreshed at each pay run. 

How do I correct mistakes and make changes?

If you want to query leave balances then contact

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