Hiring managers guide to assigning candidate forms


When you are offering a position there may be further evidence required from the candidate, this may include information such as drivers' licences, registrations or certificates based on the role requirements.

Your recruitment advisor will assign your candidate the relevant forms. Once the candidate completes the form it will pull through all information and evidence uploaded into their candidate profile.

Check out our guide on how to complete a candidate form to see what details your candidate is required to provide. 

Assigning a candidate form

Go to Cornerstone and click on Hiring Dashboard

Updated hiring recruitment.png

Scroll down to your requisitions section and click on other statuses (the candidate will show in there if they are in the Verbal offer made status).


Click on the tick next to the candidate's name you wish to assign a form to, once selected click on More -> Assign form


Select the applicable form for the role, this will start with 'Recruitment form:', if you are unsure about what form to assign, please get in touch with your recruitment advisor. 


Once you have selected the form click Assign

This will pop up to show that this action was successful. 

Check out our guide on how to complete a candidate form to see what details your candidate is required to provide. 

Requesting evidence manually

If the candidate is having trouble completing the form, you can choose to manually upload the information on their behalf. 

Click on the candidate's name that you wish to edit to take you to their applicant profile

Next, go to the Documents section, you will see an option to Add Attachments where you can upload the evidence provided from your candidate. 


If you have any questions, please get in touch with your recruitment advisor. 

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