How to edit application custom fields


If you are wanting to offer an applicant a position you will need to first fill out the Applicant custom fields, this is what is used to create the offer letter with the details of employment, for example, pay rates, start dates and hours of work.

1. Go to Cornerstone and click on Hiring Dashboard

Updated hiring recruitment.png

2. Scroll down to your requisitions section and click on active applicants.

3. Click on the candidate's name that you wish to edit to take you to their candidate profile

4. Go to the Application custom fields section and fill out this area, this information will be used to create an offer letter for your candidate to review and accept. 

Note: Please ensure that these details have been approved and discussed with your candidate. 


Title Description
Collective Pay Rates (pay equity roles only)

Only Applicable for Pay Equity roles.
- Link People
Housing Case Worker
- TPP Specialist Case Manager
- Pathways
Select the relevant option for Pay Equity roles from the drop down list. 

Confirmed Pay Rate (salary for non pay equity roles) Enter the salary here for non pay equity roles
Relevant Experience Start Date (for pay calculation for pay equity roles only)  Only applicable for Pay Equity roles: Enter date applicant started their relevant experience.
For Clinicians this is the date that they started practicing
in their field
Relevant Experience description (pay equity roles only, included FT and PT workers)

Only applicable for Pay Equity roles: Enter experience details includes full time and part time roles i.e 

Registered Nurse for Te Whatu Ora – 5 years 
Registered Nurse for Pathways – 2 years

Relevant Experience on hold (enter in months for gaps greater than 6 months expect paternity leave) Only applicable for Pay Equity roles: Enter any career breaks greater then 6 months since experience start date excluding parental leave. Enter value in months
Confirmed Standard Hours of Work (i.e., 32 hours or 40 hours) Number of hours applicant will be working, i.e. 30, 32, 40 hours per week 
Confirmed Start Date Date applicant will be starting with your entity. 
Evidence of vaccination viewed Select Yes/No.
Covid vaccination evidence should be viewed prior to offer letter if
this if relevant for your entity and role.
Confirmed Work Pattern (i.e., Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm) Enter work schedule  i.e. Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm or Monday to Thursday 9am -3pm
Comments or other conditions Note  anything additional you would like added to the offer letter. i.e. offer conditional upon, or any additional benefits 
Confidential Hire Select Yes or No
If fixed term please enter the date Enter the fixed term end date 
Who will this person report to (enter manager)  Enter the reporting to manager


If you have any questions, please let us know and we will be happy to help.  

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