How to process manager approvals for trainings


If you have a team member/s that require a manager approval to check that the work has been completed this will show up on your Cornerstone home page at the bottom under Approve training. This list will show you employees that are waiting on approval to show trainings as complete in their dashboard. 

If you are their assigned manager you will receive an email and a notification in Cornerstone, to find these approvals you can log into Cornerstone find My Inbox. If you have approvals pending you will see an option that says Approve Training


To approve each training you will first need to sight proof of their training - If you look in the employees snapshot folder there should be a folder with an upload of their proof of training that can be reviewed.

Once you have reviewed the training evidence you will be able to mark the training as approved - If there was no training evidence provided you can mark this as declined and request your employee to upload the relevant evidence into the snapshot folder. 

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