How to create a check-in


Check-ins can be used to record notes between two people, this can be used to record ADEP's. To create a check-in follow the guide below. 

1. Log into Cornerstone

2. Open the menu on the top right-hand side and select Performance -> Check-ins

3. Click on Create New Check-In

4. Select an employee from the list of use the search box to find an employee.

Note: If you already have a check-in set up with the selected employee you will get a pop up - you can click on View existing series to take you to the check-in. 

5. Select ADEP Plan from the drop down, then click Continue

6. Fill out the meeting schedule details and check send a calendar invite

7. Review your selections, you can rename the check-in series if you would like a custom name, then click Confirm to create the check-in. 


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