Once you have accepted your offer of employment you should get an email asking you to complete an online onboarding form.
Do what you can to complete this well before your start date. Payroll set-up, network logon, and email account are done after onboarding is correctly completed.
What will you be asked for?
Some simple information such as your legal names, preferred names, address, personal telephone, gender. Then some information that might take longer to provide:
1. The bank account number and bank account holder name of the account you wish to be paid into.
2. Proof of your bank account (upload as PDF, Word, or image), that shows the bank's logo, the bank account number, and the bank account holder name. The bank account name must be the holder name (e.g. K Henare) not the account description (like 'Cheque account'). This proof can be:
- A bank document verified by the bank.
- A scan of a bank statement (with transactions hidden if you prefer).
- A screenshot of an online banking screen (but usually not a phone app screen).
3. Your IRD number.
4. A completed and signed IR330 Tax Code Declaration form*.
5. A completed and signed KS2 KiwiSaver Deduction form OR a KS10 KiwiSaver Opt-out request form*.
6. If required for your position, a completed and signed Ministry of Justice request for Criminal Conviction History form*.
* For 4, 5 and 6 blank forms are provided for download. You must download, complete and upload the forms.
7. Proof of eligibility to work in New Zealand (upload as PDF, Word, or image).
- If you are a New Zealand citizen; a scan of your passport or birth certificate.
- If you are a on a visa; a scan of your passport and a scan of the visa.
8. If required for your position, evidence of Qualification.
- if you have graduated, a scan of the certificate showing tertiary provider, qualification name, date.
- if you are yet to graduate, a scan of letter from the tertiary provider confirming that you have attained the qualification on a specific date plus a scan of your transcript.
9. If required for your position, your Driver's Licence details - number, version number, licence type, expiry date.
10. Your Emergency contact details (of the person to contact in case of emergency).
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