How to close an inspection

  1. Go to the GENERAL tab within the inspection.

  2. To finalise an inspection, you enter the following:

    • Actual inspection date

    • Date Inspection Finalized
      Note: Date of Inspection Finalized should only be used once all required maintenance is completed.

  3. Save and close.

How to complete the inspection summary (Property Condition Report)

Once the inspection is complete and all maintenance or improvements have been identified you can export the Property Condition Report to supply to the Landlord. There are two ways this can be done, running a report or using a word template. Running the report enables all the photos to be automatically added, while the word template only includes word summaries.


Property Condition Report

Review the images that have been taken during the inspection by navigating to the documents folder.

Doc folder.png

To export your inspection report, select the line of your inspection pictures.

Navigate to the top of the screen and select the Run Report drop down. Choose ‘Property Condition Report...’


Note: Your report will open automatically in another tab on your browser. 

Once your report is displayed, you can view, save or print your Property Conditions/Tenancy Inspection Report.

Save this document as a PDF to your computer.


Word Template Property Condition Report

Navigate to Word Templates in the menu.

Choose Property Condition Report.

The file will automatically download to your computer.

Open and review the file.

Now you can save this report to your tenancy or property, see here to save files in documents.

Then email the landlord a copy, see here how to send an email.

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