How to complete the Health & Safety details on an inspection


Whilst checking the property, it is important to complete health and safety related questions while visiting the tenant home.

  1. Go to HEALTH & SAFETY tab.

  2. In the second table there is a series of questions.

Note: The health & safety questions are split into property and tenancy which you can see here.

Note: A tenant health and safety issue will raise a task for you to complete, and a property health and safety issue will raise a work task.


How to complete Health & Safety: Tenancy Issues details on an Inspection

  1. In the Health and Safety tab.
  2. Filter the groups by Tenancy, Click apply.

  3. Complete the answer drop-down: yes/no.

  4. Save the record.

    Note: If you toggle yes to a tenancy related issue this will create a task for you to follow up with both the housing case work and the tenant.
  5. Navigate to the H&S TASKS tab at top to see what needs actioning from this inspection.

  6. Click into each task to action.
  7. Assign the task to the necessary person. Found in the top right corner.

  8. Add a due date for this to be followed up.

  9. Add relevant notes to the task.

  10. Once necessary work has been completed towards this task you can click ‘Mark Complete’.

Note: Tasks can also be viewed and managed via the activities tab, see the ‘Monitor and Manage Activities’ how to for more information.

How to complete Health & Safety: Property Issues details on an Inspection

  1. On the Health and Safety tab.
  2. Filter the groups by Property, Click apply.

  3. Complete the answer drop-down: yes/no.

  4. Most property related health and safety issues also require you to choose the location. This is identified with a red * or cross.

  5. Once all are completed. Save the record.

  6. In the top table all property related items that require attention for this inspection will show here.

  7. Using the circles on the left of each item, tick all items. As above.
  8. Click Create Work Task in the top options banner.

  9. A pop-up box will appear, saying “Work Task created successfully”. Click ‘Ok’
  10. Navigate to the WORK TASKS tab at the top.

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