How to notify a tenant of an upcoming inspection


When you have scheduled an inspection, you are required to let the tenant know you will be visiting their home. This guidance will show you how to use the pre-populated template to do this.

  1. Navigate to the Tenancies tab on the left side bar under the Housing subheading.

    A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

  2. Click to open the tenancy you want to add an inspection to.

  3. In the top banner of the inspection click word templates.

  4. Choose Notice of Inspection.
  5. Click to open file.

  6. The document will automatically start to download to your computer.

  7. Open the file, check information is correct on template.
    Note: Now you would print the letter and deliver to the tenant.
  8. Save the document to your computer.
  9. In the tenancy, click the three dots in the banner. Navigate to documents.

  10. Open the Inspections and Maintenance folder.
  11. Click Upload to save the notice.
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