Each employee will need to complete a building induction checklist, multiple checklists can be recorded if you work at multiple sites.
Recording your building induction is important so that we can check that employees as each location are all inducted correctly.
When you first start with Wise group you will be assigned the building induction checklist in Cornerstone.
Go to My Learning -> Active training.
Look for Building induction checklist in your active training and click Launch this may be in a curriculum such as Welcome to the Wise Group.
Note: If you do not see the Launch option you may have already launched this training, click on the blue arrow next to Mark as complete.
When you launch the training it will display in a pop up where you can print the checklist out.
Complete the building induction with a facilities team member, entity administrator or team coach for Pathways residential sites.
Scan and upload the completed and signed checklist into your Cornerstone My Documents under Building induction.
Note: Workwise employees will send the completed checklists to their business support person to upload on their behalf.
Once you have uploaded the checklist go to your Active training again and Mark the training as complete.
The screen will load for a moment before the button will change to Sign, click on Sign.
Under the acknowledge completion section click on Sign.
That's it - The training will now move to your completed training section of your training record.
If you need to complete another building induction you will be able to search for the training and request it again.
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