How to notify your manager you have completed training


Once you have completed a training you may also be required to notify your manager that this has been completed - This is common with external trainings where a certificate is required as proof. Read below to see the next steps to notify your manager that you have completed your training. 

1. Go to Cornerstone,  in the My Learning section choose Active Training.

Updated my learning.png 

If you need to provide evidence (like a certificate), first email that to your manager or upload this into Snapshot. 

2. Find the training/course you have completed and click on Notify Observer


3. Click on the name of the person to notify. This is usually your manager but in some cases may be an office administrator.



4. Click Notify.



Important:  You must email evidence of completion to your observer (e.g. manager) as a PDF, Word doc, or image (png, jpeg, gif).  In a pinch, a photo of the certificate from your phone can be used if there's not a scanner handy.


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