How to add training to your training record


Training should be added to your training record so that we can track your completed training and ensure that you are receiving the right training for your role. This is especially important for mandatory trainings in compliance audits. 

Note: If this is a reoccurring training you will need to request and complete this each time so that we can see each instance of this training. 

1. To add a training to your training record, go to My Learner Home in Cornerstone.
Updated my learning.png

2. Use the search bar to find a training then, press enter

3. Your search will provide multiple options, if the training is already in your training record (Completed or active) you will see a link in the right-hand corner of the training. This will allow you to action the item depending on the current status. 

If you do not have this training on your training record, click on the three dots in the left-hand corner to view more options. Depending on your access to the training, you will either be able to launch or request the training (your manager will need to approve the request). 

4. Once you have requested or launched the training this will be added to your training record as Active Training that can be accessed from your training record. 
Note: If you have requested the training you will be notified of the outcome.
Updated my learning.png

If you have completed the training, it will appear in your Completed Training

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