If you use tethering (connecting your laptop to your mobile data) it's important to set up a metered connection. Microsoft will push updates to your devices automatically, if you are connected to mobile data while it tries to update it will use up a huge amount of data and slow your internet to a halt.
Setting up a metered connection will tell Windows not to download updates while you are connected to your tethered connection.
To set tethering as a metered connection, first, tether your laptop to your phones data.
Go to your network (wifi) settings on your laptop by clicking on the wifi symbol in the bottom right-hand corner.
Click on Properties for your phone's connection
Scroll down to get to the Metered Connection settings.
Click on the toggle below Set as a metered connection to turn your phone connection into a metered connection.
Video walkthrough:
Thanks Eric, always good to learn a new tip :)
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