How to add a new property hazard


It is important to identify all property hazards so those who are visiting or renting the property are kept safe. This guidance will show you how to identify and add a property hazard.

  1. Open the property.

  2. Click on the HAZARDS tab.
  3. Click on + New Hazards Register.

  4. Complete the New Hazard Register page and enter as much information as you have about the hazard.
  5. Depending on the hazard type more sections may appear below.
  6. Some fields are mandatory, these are marked with a red asterisk. You will not be allowed to save the record without ALL the mandatory fields being entered.
  7. Click Save & Close on the Hazard Register.
  8. An alert should be displayed at the top of the page.
  9. Click Save & Close on the property.





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