How set up Authenticator app for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)


Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is now enabled for all, this will mean that you will be required to use two forms of authentication to access your account - this will generally be your password and an authenticator app on your phone. This will only happen every 90 days (7 days for Recordbase access), so it’s not too intrusive.

Multi Factor Authentication is the gold standard in online security and given the sensitivity of the data we have access to we want to make sure we are doing our best to keep that data secure. By entering your password on your laptop and then having to confirm the login on your phone it makes it a LOT harder for a hacker to access that data. They would have to have found out your password AND stolen your phone.

While you can do this authentication via text message and entering a PIN that gets sent to you it's far easier to use an app.

Follow the steps below to set up the Authenticator app on your phone. - it should take you less than 5 minutes. 

Note: This cannot be a shared phone (work phone or personal). This is because this needs to be unique to you, only you should confirm that you are logging in to a device. 

1. To use the Microsoft Authenticator app you need to have it installed on your phone first. Some of you may have this app installed already – for those that don’t you can get the app below.

Don’t open or sign into the Microsoft Authenticator app just yet.

Android: Tap this link on your phone -  Microsoft Authenticator – Apps on Google Play

iPhone: Tap this link on your phone - Microsoft Authenticator – Apple App Store


Or open your phone's app store and search for Microsoft Authenticator.

2. On your work computer go to My Sign-Ins | Security Info |

3. Click on the + icon where it says add sign-in method

4. Choose Authenticator App in the drop down menu

5. Follow the instructions on the screen from there to scan the QR code with the Microsoft Authenticator app you just installed on your phone.

6. You will be prompted to enter a short numeric code which will show on your mobile app or get a pop up notification. 

When you are prompted for MFA on login choose Authenticator App to receive a notification on your phone asking you to approve your sign in – tap Approve to log in.


Step-by-step Walkthrough

1. Download the Microsoft Authenticator App on your mobile. But don't open it yet.

2. While the App is downloading you can open up your 'My Sign-in's' page. Here you'll see a list of the MFA methods you already have set up - e.g. you may already have a mobile number set up.

If you see that you also have an option for Microsoft Authenticator this means that you already have this set up. 



If there is not an option for Microsoft Authenticator in the list you can click on the Add sign in method.


3. This will pop up with a box to show how to Add a method, click on the Choose a method dropdown and select Authenticator app, click Next.



4. This will pop up with a bit more information about the app, this step is the same as step 1, click Next


5. You can now open up your Authentication App on your mobile, you should see an option to click on Add account


6. Click on Work or school account.



7. You will be prompted to either Sign in or Scan QR code, select the option to Scan QR code



8. You can now click next on your computer. 



9. This will pop up with a QR code that can be scanned by your Microsoft Authenticator app. 

Desktop/Laptop view: 



Mobile view: 


Note: If this is not working for you, please try the can't scan image link and it will give you a code. 


10. When you scan the code this will send you a one code to your Authenticator app where you can enter in the code that is given. 



11. Open up your Microsoft Authenticator app and you will see a code to enter to approve sign in as you will see below. 



12. Once you click on approve this will show as Notification approved on your desktop/laptop, click Next. 

Note: Only approve the notifications if it is you logging in. 



13. You should now see Microsoft Authenticator in your list of sign-in methods which means that you have successfully added it in.



14. There is one last thing to do and that is to set Microsoft Authenticator as your default sign-in method to ensure that the notification goes to your App. Look for Set default sign-in method and click on Change




15. In the dropdown select Microsoft Authenticator - notification, then click Confirm. 





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