How to complete BOS market rent approval


This guidance is for Business Support and explains how to retrieve a Market Rent approval in BOS and how to action the approval in Zavanti.

How to identify a property requiring a Market Rent approval

Note: This guide is to be followed after Business Support has already sent an approval request in BOS and via email to HUD.

  1. Click on Dashboards under My Details to view all your current dashboards.

  2. Click the down arrow to view all your dashboard options and select BUSINESS SUPPORT- PROPERTY RELATED.

  3. Navigate to the PROPERTY RENT CHANGES tile to view all properties with current rent requests and properties awaiting approval.

  4. Before continuing, check that the property line you are working on has the Approval for Vary or Renew Lease as approved. The Approval for Vary or Renew Lease (BS) should be blank.

  5. Double-click on the property line awaiting HUD approval.
    Note: The property awaiting HUD approval will have no data for Approval for Vary or Renew Lease (BS).
  6. On the GENERAL tab, the comments field should contain details of when the rent request was sent to HUD.

    Note: If the comments section is blank, first check that the rent request was lodged with HUD before continuing. If it has not been lodged, complete the request and email HUD requesting approval.


How to identify a Market Rent approval in BOS

Note: This section is for Business Support team only who have access to the Business Online Service (BOS). If you do not have access but believe you should, contact the LinkPeople System Specialist for assistance.

  1. Log into BOS

  2. Navigate to the Inbox tab to view a list of notifications

  3. Identify a Market Rent approval line. Select the arrow to display the full notification.

  4. Take a screenshot of the displayed notification.
    Note: A shortcut to take a screenshot, select and hold the windows key, shift and s.

How to approve the Market Rent in Zavanti

  1. Navigate to the Business Support email and allocate the Market Rent email request received from Wise Property Solutions.
  2. Open the email to approve or reject the request.

    Note: If a decline was received by HUD via email, select reject on the WPS email as soon as the HUD email was received. Forward the HUD decline to the property procurement specialist to notify them of the reasoning for the rejection.
  3. Once approved, you will see:

  4. In Zavanti, navigate to the property that has received approval by selecting the property address hyperlink in the top right table.

  5. Navigate to the NOTES & ACTIVITIES tab
  6. Send the HUD rent approval screenshot via email to the property procurement specialist.

How to remove the Market Rent approval notification in BOS

Note: The inbox the Market Rent approvals appear in can only hold up to 100 notifications. Therefore, it is extremely important to delete the notifications once the proof has been sent to WPS.

  1. Log into BOS

  2. Navigate to the Inbox tab to view a list of notifications

  3. Identify a Market Rent approval line needing deleting. Tick the Box.

  4. Navigate to the top right of the screen and click Delete Selected.

  5. You will be re-directed to a prompt; confirm you would like to delete the notification by selecting Yes

  6. You will be returned to the BOS inbox.



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