BookIt - Editing and Cancelling a Booking


This guide will explain how to use BookIt to cancel or edit a booking.

Cancelling a Passenger Journey (seat booking)

If you have booked as a passenger, you can cancel the booking by selecting Actions -> Cancel ride. It cannot be edited.


Editing a booking

Historical Bookings
For historical bookings, you can only edit the booking details like cost centre, you cannot edit the journey time or vehicle.

Future Bookings
For future bookings, to edit the journey details select Change Vehicle or dates. This will open a popup where you can select a new start/end date and time or the vehicle. When you select check availability, the system will check if the vehicle is available at your new selection.

If it is, it will say “Reschedule / update is available” and you will be able to select OK to confirm the change.

If it is unavailable, and there is another vehicle available, you will be shown a drop down with available vehicles from your branch to select.

Select one of these vehicles and select OK

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