BookIt - How to book a car


This guide will explain how to make a car booking using Bookit
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1. To book a vehicle select Make Booking from the left navigation

2. Enter the requested items for your search. Mandatory booking details are:

a. A pick-up date and time
b. A drop-off date and time
c. The branch handling your fleet. If there is only 1 branch, or you aren’t not a Multibranch Booker this will be greyed out and not selectable
d. A destination. If you enter in a destination that hasn’t already been entered, you’ll be prompted to add it to the destinations list in future. Ensure you’re not duplicating destinations with ‘close spellings’.


3. Search. The list of qualifying vehicles appears. If the list is long, use the filters above the list narrow down your selection. If no vehicles appear, the calendar will appear so you can view all vehicle availability. You can book from the Calendar by clicking and dragging across an available space.


4. Identify a vehicle you wish to book and click Select. The confirmation panel appears.


5. Reoccurring: ‘Make reoccurring’ will allow you to make a reoccurring booking, clicking Set Reoccurring Plan will open the reoccurring settings.

Booker: The Booker can be changed by users with the ‘BookOnBehalf’ of user role. You can only change the booker to other verified BookIt users.

Passengers: You can additional passengers, they must already be verified users of BookIt. They will receive a calendar invitation with the booking details.

Book Whole Vehicle: Will prevent other bookers joining the journey as a passenger Auto Complete: If this is ticked, if the vehicle returns to the branch early, the booking will automatically complete and the vehicle will become available again. Untick this if you expect to be coming and going from the branch during the booking. There may be additional fields that your fleet manager has added to the booking confirmation. These may be required before you can complete confirming the booking.

Calendar Invite: Once you confirm the booking, you will receive a calendar invite via email with the booking detail

Vehicle Types


Video Tutorial




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