The basics of Power BI dashboards


Wise Group uses Power BI dashboards as a way to access and visualise all kinds of data. 
In case you didn't know, the 'BI' part or 'Power BI' stands for 'Business Intelligence'.

Opening Power BI

Power BI runs in your browser. On the front page of The Well the Top Apps section should have a link to Power BI. 


If it's not there - try 'the waffle' in the top left corner of any page on The Well. 


If it turns out you don't have a Power BI licence, then get in touch with (there's no cost).

Finding dashboards

All the dashboards you have access to will be listed on the Power BI home page - just scroll down. You can favourite dashboards that you use most often.

If you want access to a dashboard that's not listed then contact  

Using dashboards (learning Power BI)

The 'power' of Power BI is how easy it is to filter your data to get answers.

The basics:

  • Clicking on a thing (name, number or chart section) will usually filter the rest of the dashboard to show just that data.
  • Unless it doesn't (not everything will work that way).
  • Ctrl+click will allow you to select multiple items.

Here's some learning resources:

If you're getting serious enough to start making your own dashboards, the Learn button on Power BI's left hand menu is Power BI's inbuilt learning area.

The one big thing to learn about Power BI

If there's one thing we want you to remember - it's the 'Reset to default' button.

This button removes any filters you have added - and the dashboard will display 'everything' again.

So, if you think some figures are fishy, you can't see a team/person/month you are expecting - then you should 'Reset to default'



Who gets access?

All permanent staff should have a licence to use PowerBi dashboards

All managers (employees who have a current staff member reporting to them) should automatically get access to the report, and their reporting line. 

If you need to check why someone doesn't have access then contact

To request access request access for a non-manager or to add additional cost centres or teams raise a Data access request.     

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