How to upload an employees first aid certificate into their Snapshot folder


Admins and selected users from each entity are able to record first aid on behalf of others, these will be the people that are booking users on first aid workshops. 

Note: If you do not have access to the areas below contact 

Once you have received the first aid certificate you will need to store these in the employees Snapshot folders. 

Important: The first aid certificate will need to be stored in the users Snapshot folder and be added to the users record using the training import tool (express class). 

Log into Cornerstone and use the menu to navigate to Admin -> Users

Use the search function to find a user

Click on the employees name to take you to their employee record. 

In the menu ribbon click on Snapshot

Select Documents

Open the first aid certificate folder

Click on Add file, search for the users first aid certificate and upload it. 

To record a first aid training into the users training record follow our guide to upload a training using express class. 



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