My Team's Vetting - report guide


What does the report do?

This report compares each persons 'recurring vetting required' to their current vetting state.

Recurring vetting required = indicates the level of up-to-date vetting a person needs for their role. That is, the vetting that needs to be kept current. That may be different from the vetting that was done when they were hired. 

The dashboard looks at the person's vetting requirements plus their MoJ, Police, and MSD/OT* vetting dates and interprets overall statuses from that.

  • MoJ = Ministry of Justice
  • MSD/OT = Ministry of Social Development/Oranga Tamariki

Where does the data come from?

This is Cornerstone data, refreshed once per day. 

Note: Vetting dates and statuses from before Cornerstone are not recorded in Cornerstone.  

What data is included?

Data from the employee records of employees that are currently employed. By default this is everyone in your reporting line (in Cornerstone). See below if you want more access.

What data is excluded?

  • People who have left.
  • New starters (until the day after their first day).
  • People that don't report up to you (unless you have been given special access).
  • Vetting received before mid-2019. 

How do I correct mistakes and make changes?

For anything to do with vetting dates or 'recurring vetting required' contact

  • To initiate vetting
  • To fix wrong vetting information (i.e. when you know the dates or status aren't right)
  • To change recurring vetting required 

If you're seeing the wrong people (incorrect manager, team, or cost centre data) then see How to fix people with the wrong team, cost centre, or manager. Hint: this usually needs a Variation to Employment Agreement. 

If you are seeing people who have left then make sure that you have completed a Leaving form.

Anything else - email or use the Cornerstone support request eForm


Logic behind the Vetting State

State Smarts/Logic Example
Non-compliant Last received date + 2yrs is less than today.

Received date = 21/04/2021
+ 2yrs = 21/04/2023
Today = 27/04/2023
Due date is less than todays = Non-compliant

Compliant Last received date + 2yrs is greater than today.

Received date = 01/10/2021
+ 2yrs = 01/10/2023
Today = 27/04/2023
Due date is greater than today's = Compliant

*only set to work on Police Vetting

Submitted date is within the last 180 days change status to “submitted”.
This will ignore old vetting received dates older than 180 days.

Submitted date = 01/04/2023
Received date = 01/01/2020 (previous vetting)
Today = 27/04/2023
State = Submitted

Historic If the vetting type is not required, the status will show as not complaint.

Vetting Required” = Police
Emp record has received date
MSD/OT and Police
MSD/OT will show as “historic”
(e.g. it may have been required in a different role)

Who gets access?

All managers (employees who have a current staff member reporting to them) should automatically get access to the report, and their reporting line. 

If you need to check why someone doesn't have access then contact

To request access request access for a non-manager or to add additional cost centres or teams raise a Data access request.     

For further info on Vetting, refer to our Well Employment vetting page.



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