Upload Vaccination info for someone in your team


Managers can complete the COVID-19 vaccination form in Cornerstone, for any of their direct reports.

​​​​​​​How to submit a COVID-19 vaccination form in Cornerstone:

1. Go to Cornerstone, in the Manager Tools and Forms section select My Team

Updated manager tools and forms .png

2. Select the employee you would like to submit a form for, you will then be viewing their record.

​​​​3. Click on the three dots next to View team, and select Complete form


This brings up a list of forms you can fill for that employee. 

4. Choose the COVID-19 Vaccination form


  • Enter in the dates of their vaccination
  • and attach their evidence of vaccination

The accepted evidence of vaccination are:

  • Complete vaccination cards
  • Letters from GP’s
  • Letters from the Ministry of Health
  • A screenshot from "My Covid Record" website (ensure it includes the staff member’s name in the screenshot)

Quick tips about uploading documents.

  • Cornerstone accepts Word, PDF and images (like PNG and JPEG).
  • So a picture from your phone is often a quick option.
  • You cannot upload Outlook (email) documents.
  • The file name needs to be less than 50 characters - but 50 is a lot.



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